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Mega Run 25 - Early Registration
Participant Name - Only 1 Rig per Registration
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Vehicle Class
Event Shirts: Short or Long sleeve $5 extra
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Koosie Color & Size
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Mega Run 25 - Early Registration
Product Details
This covers the following;
- Early registration is $110 and it guarantees your merchandise and a goodie bag.
- Primitive camping and park entry are included.
- Event registration is for each rig/driver pair.
- If multiple drivers wish to compete in the same rig and the same event there must be a registration for each driver. (i.e. if you want to drive your rig in the morning on the rock garden and your friend drive it on the obstacle course in the afternoon that is one registration. Whereas, if you both want to drive the same rig on the rock garden that requires a second registration.)
- Passengers are included, FOR EARLY REGISTRATION ONLY!
- Includes participation in all events (Obstacle course, Rock Garden, Barrel Race, Poker Run, Trail riding, Chicks in the Sticks, Geocache, Treasure Hunt, and King of the Hill)
- One event T-Shirt
- One event sticker
- One event koosie
- One goodie bag
- Shirt pickup will be at the event and will not be shipped.
- If you would like to purchase extra T-shirts, please add to the shopping cart ( Located here ) you will pay for shipping.
Vehicle/Driver Classes*
- Mild- No larger than 35" tires. These are generally stock to slightly modified rigs.
- Wild- No larger than 40" tires. After market/traction assist devices (lockers). No wheelbase alterations. Typical suspension modifications on mostly stock vehicles.
- Extreme- No larger than 46" tires. OEM chassis (mild modifications allowed). No chopped or half frames. More extreme suspension modifications. Reactive suspension only. No rear steer or cutting brakes
- Unlimited- Rear Steer. Cutting Brakes. Active control suspension. Non OEM chassis, chopped in front or rear half. Tube buggy as an example.
- UTV/SideXSide- Self explanatory
- Rock Bouncer
*Final class rating for your vehicle will be determined by our Tech Inspection team to keep the competitions fair. Decisions made by the Tech Team are FINAL.
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